Hit the Floor Running

Hit the Floor Running/Drop Everything & Run:

School: Texas State University & Southwestern University

Leaders: Matt Schmerber & Chelsea Cesar, Southwestern University: Chandler Lentz, Ashley Alfaro & Audrey Silver

Our Texas State humanitarian committee spent an entire semester planning an underwear run (later changed to “little-wear” run to appease university officials) through campus. The premise was brilliant.
A massive group of students- from every committee of H.E.A.T. and even a few people from other organizations, met at the top of a hill on campus, about a mile away from the San Marcos River. A DJ was playing music, and everyone was wearing layers of clothes which were about to be stripped off and thrown on the ground to be collected and donated to Casa Hogar Eim orphanage in Mexico**. The monitory donations were sent to Khwawa Secondary School school in Malawi, Africa, to install a tile floor. That, is how H.E.A.T. hits the FLOOR running!


Here’s a video from the university covering the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr9uy_pHnrY


Our Southwestern chapter took a more local spin on their “Drop Everything and Run” event.
All the clothes were donated to The Caring Place in Georgetown, TX, and all of the money raised went to The Gazelle Foundation. A total of 250 articles of clothing and 11 pairs of shoes were donated in one afternoon!

**Note: Haiti was the original intended destination for the clothing, but the clothing was donated to a very deserving orphanage in Mexico.
