2014 H.E.A.T. SUM of the Parts Conference attendees F ounded in 2010, The Human-Environmental- Animal-Team (H.E.A.T. Establishment) is a social service organization dedicated to improving the world through positive activism. H.E.A.T. promotes the ideas, people, and organizations taking steps forward rather than dwelling on the negative. We often collaborate with other organizations, using our numbers as a platform to create world-changing campaigns. The H.E.A.T. Board of Directors maintains consistency and reinforces regulations amongst the chapters. Headquarters also acts as a point of contact for resources, providing membership shirts, unlimited Q/A, contacts for chapter executives, various promotional items and offering an all-chapter leadership conference. As H.E.A.T. continues to grow, Headquarters’ opportunity to offer more resources will grow as well. Who We Are
H.E.A.T. never demonizes, H.E.A.T. rises “H.E.A.T. is a social service organization dedicated to improving humanitarian, environmental, and animal welfare issues through Positive Activism. H.E.A.T. never demonizes. H.E.A.T. always rises.” -mission statement
H.E.A.T. Board of Directors
How We Work
H.E.A.T. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with chapters at universities and high schools across Texas. Each chapter is led by an executive board, including the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and committee directors for Human, Environmental, and Animal committees. The executives operate the chapter and support members in their endeavors to create meaningful service projects.
H.E.A.T. is a bottom-up organization, meaning members create and lead our projects. This approach empowers students, allowing them to solve world issues they are passionate about. While there are different committees in each chapter, it is important to note that all committees are a part of the whole organization. Members are encouraged to participate in projects from every committee.
H.E.A.T. Establishment creates change through positive activism. We strive to challenge systems of oppression as a key tenant of our Human Committee work. Black lives matter and marginalized voices must be uplifted.
Why choose one cause to support? Our members form committees, and within the committees, they form sub-committees, to plan and coordinate their projects. Our challenge is to incorporate art, humor, and creativity into projects while aiming to solve serious world issues. Our goal is to appeal to our peers in this day of apathy and social distractions. We rise beyond conventional activism, surpassing the guilt, sad photos and depressing statistics. H.E.A.T. gives credit to the people and companies making the right choices in the world rather than pointing fingers at those doing wrong.
H.E.A.T. never demonizes. H.E.A.T. rises.
H.E.A.T. is not simply an umbrella-service club. Members don’t come to various predetermined events decided by the board. H.E.A.T. is a bottom-up, student-run organization. Students brainstorm ways to solve real world issues by sharing their passions with other members and by forming specific sub-committees. The sub-committee creates projects and presents the dates to the entire organization. Service hours are earned, leadership is developed, creativity is exercised, and networks are built.
Human Committee
The Human Committee is devoted to philanthropic campaigns both locally and globally. Human Committee members coordinate and execute projects designed to raise money and awareness for serious humanitarian issues. Our members earn service hours through service projects ranging from feeding the homeless with left-over dining hall meals, to hosting campus underwear run-clothing drives for foreign orphanages.
Environmental Committee
The Environmental Committee is devoted to environmental preservation from all perspectives- water, waste, energy, etc. Environmental Committee members coordinate and execute campaigns and projects ranging from turning trash into sellable art and river clean ups, to community beautification and international reforestation (sometimes, our members personally put trees in the ground).
Animal Committee
The Animal Committee is devoted to animal welfare for all animals, from pets, to farm animals, to native and exotic species. Animal Committee members coordinate and execute campaigns and projects ranging from creating animal shelter calendars to exotic rescue shelter volunteer work.
Want to help?
- How to become a member
- Don’t attend a school that has H.E.A.T. chapter? Start One!
- Donations and Sponsorships
- Have an idea or cause you’d like us to know about?
Find the chapter at your school and tell them you would like to join, H.E.A.T. chapters are located across the state (See above for complete list).
1. Contact H.E.A.T. Headquarters
2. Once approved, you earn ‘Pre-H.E.A.T.’ status, and are a recognized inactive chapter. You remain in ‘Pre-H.E.A.T.’ until you establish a full executive board, gain a faculty advisor, and create your game plan for your first semester.
3. When you have everything in order, you’re ready to become an active H.E.A.T. chapter, gaining members and changing the world!
Donating to H.E.A.T. helps us make a bigger impact on the world around us. While H.E.A.T. Headquarters manages our service programs, there is no one backing up the organization on a corporate level. Administrative duties, such as running our website and hosting our annual leadership conference, are expensive, but are instrumental in the success of our chapters. As a non-profit, we rely on donations.
All donations are tax-deductable. If you would like to donate to The H.E.A.T. Establishment, contact H.E.A.T. Headquarters. If you would like to sponsor an event or project at a specific university, contact that chapter’s president and he or she will be more than happy to work with you every step of the way, from informing you what projects you can support to showing you the positive results your money and time as yielded.
We’re always open to new ideas and are looking for new opportunites to make a difference. If you have a cause or issue either locally or globally you would like us to campaign for, please let us know.
Our Sponsors
A big thank you to the following sponsors for all their help.